Monday, 22 November 2010

Sometimes life feels like stepping in shit when you've got beautiful shoes on

So i've had a hard few weeks which is why its all been a little quiet on the blogging front! And today things really got to me, so i snuggled up and watched Kamikaze Girls to cheer myself up. (oh so predictable for a lolita right!)
Anyway, right in the beginning of the film, where Momoko steps in shit on the way to station, i thought to myself she still looks like a princess! So i got out of bed, got dressed and told myself that even when i feel rubbish, i can still do it feeling like a princess! So i did just that, and i felt much better. Its been one of those days where i truly remember why i love lolita.
And this was my outfit!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

MCM Expo

I have recently started gaming so when a friend asked me to go to mcm expo in London i was only too pleased! Ive always loved anime and to now be involved in the gaming side of things is so much fun, this is my current xbox set up:
I saw some amazing cosplay and so many cute lolitas, but my favourite cosplay was Ryuk from Deathnote, this has been one of my definite favourite animes for a long time now!
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It was a lovely day but i had to restrain myself from buying too many beautiful things! Here is my outfit, and a close up of my deco den accessories, i loved my nails they had the cutest red sweetie details!
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P1010012.jpg picture by bexyvongrimm
sig1.jpg picture by bexyvongrimm