Sunday, 23 January 2011

But I do adore...

This print:
Twinkle Dreaming Princess.
Oh Baby its so, so perfect.
One day!

You can view the collection here


  1. What a beautiful print! It's so romantic, and such a nice color scheme.
    Thank you for the comment! A cherry blossom tattoo? It sounds lovely, do you have any pictures? I thought of getting a cherry blossom on my foot.
    Thank you for the advice! That's a great idea.
    I've seen some claddaghs that use trinity knots instead of hands or a heart, I like those, but I saw a heart where the bottom tip was a trinity know, it looked so delicate. it would look nice in a claddagh as well.
    Thanks alot! ^-^

  2. Thanks! I'll look forward to the pictures, be sure to let me know when they're up! ^-^
