Saturday, 14 January 2012

Tea Parties, Circle Lenses and New Top!

Hello! My blog will start being a little more interesting again soon! Im just in the middle of exams :(
But.. because of exam stress I have been indulging in a liiiiitle bit of retail therapy :)
So I have 2 new pairs of circle lenses (Ill make a review post on these soon!)
A new cardigan from Bodyline
aaaaaand 2 new pairs of tea parties, that I have been waiting months for! I have a pink and a black pair! 
I might do a review on these soon as they were from the large size order from Secret Shop, and maybe itll help another larger footed lolita somewhere!
Chibi Chibi's Ribbon
Here is my most recent coord, Im wearing my new tea parties and cardigan 

and I leave you with a cute picture of my rabbits Petit Four Glacé in the shape of a heart. Lemon drizzle.


  1. awwwww super cute rabbits <3 i'd love to have one <3333
    i like ur new tea party shoes ^^ i have the same but in lavander color

    1. hehe i love my rabbits! awh i want lavender ones too! but i need to stop spending money now:p

  2. Your rabbits are so cute!!!! :D and your hair is beautiful :D

  3. I love tea party shoes ^^ and your bunnies are adorable!

    1. hehe thankyou :) so excited they finally arrived!

  4. Love the tea parties and the blouse! The rabbits are so cute! ^^
